Communi Tea Barbara
Communi Tea Barbara

Barbara's Story

ellenor Have Been Such a Magnificent Support to Me Over the Last Year – and Now I Can’t Wait to Meet Their Lovely Team For the First Time.

Barbara's Story

I saw first hand the incredible care ellenor gave to a close friend in their hospice – but that was 25 years ago! And so when I received my own diagnosis early last year I thought that maybe I would need them myself one day – but I was still nervous about going to a ‘hospice’.

My condition isn’t operable, but I take chemotherapy pills just to keep things at bay (so far they are doing their job, touch wood). But they really reduce my immune system – and so I was isolated at home on my own during the first lockdown. My children arranged my shopping for me, which the supermarket delivered to my door. But I couldn’t see anyone in person.

I had my TV, my books – and I bought a jigsaw! But I am a ‘people person’; I was an active member of the W.I. before my diagnosis and I love spending time with my friends and family. During lockdown I missed them all terribly.

My hospital nurse first suggested that I get in touch with ellenor – and so, last year, I had the first of what were to become my regular phone calls with them. They were so kind and so helpful. They are there for me when I need to talk about how I’m feeling, how my condition is progressing. But they’ve given me such wonderful, practical help too.

They made sure I was signed up for my ‘attendance allowance’, which helps me with the cost of getting to and from hospital. Thanks to them I now have a care plan in place and I’ve talked that through with my children, so everyone knows what I want to happen when my times comes. Having that is a big relief. Their support has made me feel better; and I have decided that, if they’ll have me, I would like to go to ellenor for my final days.

I am very excited as I write this, because I have just received my invitation to go into the hospice for the very first time two weeks from now. I can’t wait to see all the staff who have been so kind to me – and to put faces to voices. I have also been promised there will be lots of tea and cake on offer, so I’ll be there early!

I’m looking forward to meeting others, making friends – but also being taught new ways for me to feel better more of the time. One of the classes I want to sign up to is their new “I.T. and Biscuits” group. I’m really not very good with computers or the internet. I speak to my family a lot on the phone, but I want to be able to see my children and my grandchildren – and so I need to learn how to ‘Zoom’ – and they are going to teach me!

I realised recently that having ellenor enter my life does not signify an ending – it’s a beginning. They’re going to help me to feel as well as I can, do as much as I can, for as long as I can. And there’s so many like me who need their help right now. I’ve been supporting by donating things to their shop inside the hospital whenever I go. I hope everyone realises how lucky we are to have ellenor to care for us, because we are all going to need their care someday.

- Barbara


Cuppa Services at ellenor

As we return to our old lives, please help us to re-connect in person with the local people who have missed our care in recent times and to meet those who have only just found that they are going to need us.

For nearly 18 months now local people with life-limiting illnesses have only been able to exist – now it’s time to help them live once more.

We’re going to run more of our ‘Cuppa’ sessions – where we meet over a cup of tea to help with some of the tough issues terminal illness creates. We’ll have sessions for the recently bereaved, for carers who are looking after their loved ones at home and we’ll have social sessions where anyone can simply drop in.

We’re also going to add brand new sessions – like our “I.T. and Biscuits” group. We’ve all learned in this last year how vital it’s been to be able to stay in touch with our loved ones – and to see their familiar faces on a screen.


If you would like to find out more details about our Wellbeing or Cuppa services please click here.